Comprehensive Eye Examination is a collection of many different tests used to diagnose disease and vision impairments. Having regular comprehensive eye exams regardless of age are essential for detecting underlying vision problems. Many eye diseases and conditions do not show obvious signs or symptoms at the early stage. Early detection can help prevent vision loss.
Why Choose iSURGEON for Comprehensive Eye Examination
Our comprehensive eye examination is designed to fully evaluate your visual system and the health of your eyes. Our specialist will check your eyes for all of the eye diseases that you are at risk of developing (eg. glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular diseases, etc), as well as refractive errors and other vision impairments.
There are a number of tests used by our specialist to conduct a complete assessment of the health of your eyes and your vision. Tests will vary based on your age, medical history and doctor’s judgement.
Comprehensive Eye Examination
At iSurgeon, tests are performed by our highly experienced eye specialist. Among the exam/tests you may undergo include:
History & Symptoms
Visual acuity / vision test*
Color blindness test
Cover test (squint screening)
Lazy eye assessment
Ocular motility testing (eye movements), Hess test
Stereopsis test (3D / depth perception)
Autorefractor* / Refraction / Retinoscopy
Manifest and cycloplegic refraction for kids aged 6 and above
Slit lamp exam (External eye and crystalline lens examination)
Dry eye assessment
The glaucoma screening / IOP (intraocular pressure) test
Pupil reflexes (neuro-ophthalmic condition)
Pupil dilation and full retinal exam
Special diagnostic tests (may be required or upon request)
Visual field* (automated perimetry) test
Cornea thickness (pachymetry)
Cornea mapping* (topography)
A scan (optical / ultrasound), B scan and IOL calculations
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) of cornea, angle and fundus.
Personalised and tailored for you.
At iSURGEON, we know that every patient is different. Upon examination, our specialist will discuss the most suitable eye surgery or non-surgical treatment options with you to suit your individual needs.