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Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass

Age-related Macular Diseases (AMD) happens when a part of the retina called the macula is damaged. A patient with AMD gradually loses central vision and as the vision worsen over time, it affects ability to do things like read and drive. It is a common eye disorder among people over 50.

Woman on her Tablet


  • Distortion of vision

  • Reduced central vision

  • Blurry or dark areas in central vision

  • Difficulty in recognizing faces

  • Difficulty seeing details in poor lighting condition

  • Need brighter light when reading

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Age-related Macular Degeneration is associated with aging, However, research indicates it may also be related to a combination of genetics and environmental factors, including smoking and diet.


Risk factors for developing macular degeneration include:


  • Aging

  • Family history of AMD

  • Smoking

  • Obesity

  • Cardiovascular diseases

Age-related Macular Diseases (AMD) Treatment

There is no permanent cure for AMD, but some treatments may delay its progression and prevent severe visual loss. If the condition is diagnosed early, AMD treatments may slow the disease.


Treatments for AMD depend on which stage the disease is in, whether is in its early-stage Dry Form or in the more advanced stage Wet Form.

Dry form:  To monitor.

Wet form: Intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF medication  and Laser Treatment.  The treatment is to shrink or stop abnormal blood vessel growth and prevent the leakage of fluid into the retina.

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